Design Strategy

The packaging is one of the significant brand-touchpoint for several categories like FMCG, Personal Care, Food & Beverages, Perfume, and many more. How thoroughly the packaging solution is aligned with the 'brand core thought' matters a lot in effectively communicating the brand message to its prospective audience in a compelling manner. We use several packaging strategies in order to make creative packaging and brand packaging.

It is important to consider packaging as an advertisement piece or a media/medium to broadcast your brand message—an essential tool to build a strong brand presence in the market. However, those brands that assume that packaging is a mere design exercise, and making packing look aesthetically pretty is enough missed the opportunity to harness the real power of packaging. In contrast, packaging needs to be thought through from a brand's strategic ( brand core, values, and vision) perspective. Furthermore, packaging design must communicate what the brand stands for and its values while describing what it contains and its benefits.

Viability; is all about deals with the ROI factor of the packaging design expenses.

Feasibility; is all about making sure the packaging design workability aspect.

Desirability; is all about making packaging design adorable and a compelling brand communication medium.

We firmly believe in applying processes, methodologies, and design-thinking tools to arrive at comprehensive packaging strategy and design outcomes that ensure desired brand results. Over years of handling, brand-tools helped gain mastery over tools, enabling us to create compelling brand packaging solutions as well as product packaging design. We provide top packaging designs for FMCGs and Food Packaging Designs.

Project Thumbnail Colgate Diabetics
Project Thumbnail Colgate Diabetics
Project Thumbnail Colgate Diabetics