Design Horse Blog

DesignHorse Blog

We consider our blog articles to be windows through which you can peep inside our thoughts on various topics. Our constant efforts to acquire new knowledge and make it available to others on all social media platforms give us immense pleasure and satisfaction.

We cover a wide variety of topics. However, sticking to our core domain enhances our usefulness and relevance at the end of the day. Sometimes you might find some articles going off the domain relevance, but you know how it makes sense in the larger brand-building context when you reach the conclusion of the article.

Furthermore, we invite interns to industry experts on our blog to write so that you as a reader can enjoy the wide variety of new knowledge on various brand-related topics.

Our blog articles are related to two major topics. The first one is 'Good Design is Good Business'. The second one is ‘Brand Building’. Readers can gain a lot with our perspectives and expert views on design, trends, brands, brand identity, perception building, culture effects on brand, cultural appropriation of the products/services, packaging design, upcoming design trends, etc.

We are thankful to all those who contribute  to our blogs as well as the readers (that's YOU) from the bottom of our heart.